Of this form, them they make a distinguishing diagnosis with certain degree of difficulty, but its contribution in the process of the transference leaves later and, in continuation of the therapeutical process. In accordance with Zbrun (2010), some questionings serve as introduction to the quarrels, today gifts in the Freudiano Field, on the thematic one of the diagnosis that differentiates psychosis and usual psychosis. How is unchained a psychosis? Since when if it can affirm that the citizen started to present a psychotic picture? In the preliminary interviews, which are the 0 variable that indicate this diagnosis? These are questions with which if it collates in the clinical front to the challenge not to withdraw ahead of the psychosis, as Lacan it announces, and front to the theoretical activity to think the psychoanalysis to start for the psychoses, in accordance with Jacques-Alain Miller. Miller (2005) apud Zbrun (2010) sample that the distinguishing clinic of the psychoses appears normally because, the diagnosis of these is guided for the neurosis. So that if it says that the psychosis is initial data and what if normality flame can be understood as ' ' superimposition of a symptom on the proper one psicose' ' (p.1), this inversion becomes with priority. Miller (2005) apud Zbrun (2010), searching to elucidate the conflict of the distinguishing clinic, considers as its estimated a universal clinic of the delirium, that has as central idea the fact of that the speech of the citizen in the truth consists as a defense against the Real. Rose (2009) sample that the appearance of the term ' ' psychosis ordinria' ' it occurs in a debate on the psychosis carried through for psychoanalysts joined to the Freudiano Field, in conversations made between 1996 and 1998. Between these quarrels, sobressai the one that occurred in Arcachon (1997) having as main subject, the difficult cases or same that did not have classification in the psicanaltica clinic.
Dec 21
Understanding Alcoholism
The dependency diagnosis is due to only do if are 3 or more of the following criteria in some period during the last year: 1) An intense desire or sensation of compulsive alcohol ingestion. 2) It brings back to consciousness subjective of a disturbance in the capacity of the control of the alcohol, in terms of beginning, completion or levels of use of the drink. 3) Use of the alcohol with the purpose of to reduce or to suppress the symptoms of abstinence and with total knowledge of the effectiveness of such strategy. 4) States of physiological abstinence (suppression symptoms) 5) Evidence from tolerance (greater consumption to obtain the same effect) 6) a reduction of the personal repertoire (academic, labor activities) in relation to the use of the alcohol. 7) Progressive change of the pleasant activities or I interest personal in favor of the use of the drink.
Persistence in the use of the alcohol, in spite of having clear evidences of the manifest Harmful consequences of its use (medical, social, labor or psychological consequences adverse). To obtain a correct evaluation of the Alcoholism, does not have to persecute the unique aim to extract more and greater information on the subjects, towards her to label them. But, the one to use the successfully obtained data to determine the intervention on that person, that way any plan, programs or project that is planned and in that the population adressee is people with these characteristics, the evaluation will allow us to adapt the activities to each case. We do not understand the evaluation like an precise fact, but like a work that it would have to be continuous and procesual. That is to say, to use the evaluation at the different moments from the actions (before, during and later). The tools used in the evaluation of the alcoholism can be classified in two categories: – Questionnaires of detection or screening. Its purpose is the precocious identification of cases.
They are very useful actually clinical and in the investigation. – Questionnaires of diagnosis. Its objective is the confirmation of the disease and the evaluation of the intensity and affectation on the subject. It is not had including in this section but we want to mention the appearance in the pharmaceutical market of reactive strips that by means of changes of color and analyzed the intensity of the same, detect if the person with whom she is used, has consumed alcohol recently.
Nov 11
Infantile Psychiatry
After that it presents the concept of family and the consequences of this violence next to family. In the finishing the normative laws are presented and that endorse the right the familiar convivncia. 1? Parental alienation: concepts and clarifications In accordance with Wound-Sheep (2008), who first described the Syndrome of the Parental Alienation were Richard Gardner, professor of the Clinic of Infantile Psychiatry of the University of Columbia, in 1985. Gardner if relates to the Parental Alienation as a process where one of the genitors programs the child to hate, unjustifiedly, the other genitor. The author points that, so that if can understand the Alienation Parental is important to understand, first, what he occurs in the separation process. Although the divorce is, to the times, the best solution for the couple whose members are not considered capable to continue trying to exceed its difficulties of relationship, it always is lived deeply as a painful and extremely estressante situation. The separation provokes in the spouses feelings of failure, impotence and loss, having one I fight to be elaborated.
(FRES-CARNEIRO. 2008, p.63). In these processes it happens what Wound-Sheep defines as ' ' death while still alive ' ' , that is, the other dies for me and I mount in the mind of the other. This process deflagra in the child ' ' conflict of loyalty exclusiva' ' where it has that to choose for one of the parents. Of this form, the parental function and the conjugal function if mesclam and they are not distinguished with clarity having provoked an emotional confusion in the child transforming it into field from dispute for the couple. Brave (2008) discourses on some facts that can culminate in the Syndrome of the Parental Alienation, amongst them: a new partner, the interference of familiar in the relationship of the couple (mainly when this is formed by adolescents) and the conjugal violence.
Oct 13
Generating Body
In the decantation, nuance is launched stops beyond the project disciplined body to beyond provide to one/Inter/body that remakes the way in the crucible of the transposition. When an actor, makes and remakes the passage of a gesture, transforms a gesture into music and such music in power that mobilizes the corporal forces for a new gesture, however of same matrix, it launches the creative process for it are of certain itself of that refluxo will be reached by its. The gesture, exactly unchained for axle, if allows to have emptyings that make of this axle exactly, something desencadeante, however, with fort to be able creative. Generating mass When transposed, gesture, action or nuance, are changedded into a generating mass, something that is located between the text, the body of the actor and its stage. Of the generating mass the macerated and free signs are born. Free because they transpose the body and it comes back reached as something new and contagiante. Of one hiposigno forged, appears the sign decanted with great power of contamination. Hiposigno Hiposigno is the exacerbado sign, been born of the first moment of the transposition.
She is when the transposition generates another aesthetic perspective, however still needed a maceration. It is an one sgnico sketch, whose intensity determines a principle of construction and expansion! The Hipo-sign is basic, for being the first one to launch itself stops beyond the body. It all unchains the process that will more generate refluxo creative to the front. The principle, seems that the concept of hiosigno is inadequate, having in sight that treatment of a exacerbado sign that in thesis would have to call hipersigno. However, hiposigno, much even so are exacerbado, it does not have in it the necessary wealth that it only happens after the process of maceration and decantation. For being a poor sign, I decided to call it hiposigno.
Sep 17
Brazilian Population
The phenomenon of the feminizao of the oldness is seen as a doctor-social problem. On the other hand, the taxes of chronic illnesses are very bigger enter the aged men of what in the aged women, even so this fact must move in the future generations, a time that the women contemporaries are displayed the same the type of risk factors that the men in the present time. The feminizao of the oldness also is indicated by the relative growth of the tax of aged women who are family heads and that they are part of the economically active population, what means that on the other hand the young is not giving account to provide its proper necessities. The aged women are a prominence in the society and the gerontolgicos studies not only because they are more numerous, but also because they have if involved in the search of the active and healthful aging, inserting in social spaces that allow the reach of the well-succeeded oldness. Therefore, she is of utmost importance to identify and to promote conditions that allow a long and healthful oldness favorable to the individuals in a context of equality of good distribution, of promotion of health and of cultural and social chances.
The main factor of risk for mortality continues being the proper age. The more if it lives bigger is the possibility to die. The majority of the longitudinal studies with aged residents in the community seems to agree that, beyond the age, the sex of the individual can be determinative of the risk death, with the men presenting a bigger risk of what the women (Jagger et al., 1993; NCHS, 1985). All the excessively changeable ones are dependents of a complex interaction between the individual and the environment, that, in turn, varies from time to time of culture for culture and. Exactly the factor sex can come to have its relation of risk modified in the future, with the social evolution promoting a significant increase of deaths for DCV between the women, now more displayed of what before to the occupational and ambient factors of risk, had its gradual incorporation to the economically active population. REFERENCES RASP, L.C.V. BUENO, C.M.L.B. AGING AND SORT: The VULNERABILITY OF AGED IN the BRASILRevista Health and Research, v.
Aug 22
Ahn Women One
It waits for the neighboring death that it patrol to each day, more it never gives up to see one day, its cantinho and its Brazil to turn the engaged land. Ahn Women One mineirinha of fiber, militant student and, fought against the dictatorship, imprisoned and was tortured, it had its rights hunted, and it suffered with preconceptions, it saw its governing that had to protect to it, to extend the hand to it, if to capsize against it, it to esbofetear with these same hands that would have to lull to sleep to it, saw its brothers I exercise of it to pursue to it, its brothers you police to arrest, saw the cell to it that before keeps outlaws, assassins and thief, to imprison its heart, its rights and its duties. One mineirinha courageous, that it was not intimidated to as many machistas, as many evildoers and predators, One mineirinha that it fought was successful and arrived at the power, of a shy form, more than strong arm. Tava being born victorious person, that of the blackout of its cell arrived at the brilliance of its and then now native only loved and idolatrada, that started to idolatrar it from now on, and many of its persecutors follow today it. It needed a before extinguished woman, one mineirinha, to bribe the congress and its corruptores, mineirinha needed one to bribe the ONU in the United States, paper that none then Brazilian, so machista and full country of maches, had courage to make, a full fiber Brazilian and when she needs arm iron, a full woman of courage that faced government and opposition, that faced governing and other nations, woman that I eat also prehad it that it waited for better Brazil, that with a difference, same it is only trying to make of Brazil a country more good, and its neighbor, the death, still goes to have that to wait a bit for this mineirinha that still it has much work to make, much machistas labor detail pra to execute, many men to order.
Jul 11
How To Cure Hemorrhoids Fast – 4 Cures To Start Using
Are you tired of listening to doctors who do not seem to be helping to reduce pain and find a cure for your hemorrhoids? Do you want just a simple combination of treatments that will produce rapid and permanent relief? Have you tried all the products that advertise both on television and is now seeking a natural treatment? Read this article to see how to cure hemorrhoids with real solutions and natural. # 1. Do not add to the problem can be very tempting to remove the irritation and itching scratching the infected area. This is not wise and will only add to the problem. Relieve the situation by buying soft toilet paper and underwear made of cotton which will help relieve pain.
# 2. The fibers are good diet will have a huge effect on the amount of pain and inflammation, which is currently experiencing. Increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables you eat in your diet, you will have a positive effect. This causes the bowel movement easier and, therefore, reduces pressure. # 3.
Reduce the heat as this condition is based on swelling and pressure, do what you do with most injuries. Look for an ice pack for 15 to 20 minutes and this will help reduce swelling and pain. # 4. Increase the heat while reducing the heat in the area is good, increase it can also soften the area. Sitting in a warm bath, but not hot, you can accelerate the process and reduce the pain greatly. See an example of how a person suffered from hemorrhoids for a long time, and then discovered a secret that has remained free of hemorrhoids permanently. This treatment of hemorrhoids cure your hemorrhoids in just three days without surgery or anything like drugs. to see their experience and to learn how you too can use the same.
Jul 06
Aluminum very easy to process, it does the job with an aluminum design is more simple and enjoyable. Durability – another quality that makes aluminum structures and systems including: windows, doors, aluminum facades, all more popular material in construction. Do not forget about such, as resistance to corrosion and the harmful environmental effects. Can not be afraid that time will ruin the look of aluminum facades, windows and other aluminum structures. Aluminum construction – an excellent choice for the construction of various glass constructions: aluminum windows, doors and aluminum facade that can be integrated. Not rare occasions when aluminum structures built upon complex projects aluminum facades.
The facades are made with aluminum construction (aluminum facades), has recently become very common in our country. Most often, such aluminum facades installed in buildings with solid walls and window openings. Constructed such aluminum facades of highly strong and durable aluminum construction. They are building different windows: metal-plastic, aluminum or an attic, and they are edged with sandwich panels. Superior flexibility and ease of aluminum allows to implement the original design decisions and create aluminum facades with different angles of the fracture. In addition, when creating aluminum facades are no restrictions on the color palette – all in the hands of the designers! Particularly attractive look with colored aluminum facades inserts. Aluminum facades and entrance groups deservedly love designers, builders and customers. Presentation skills, performance opportunities and impeccable style – all aluminum facades.
Aluminum structures confidently holds the leading position in a stylish modern design solutions. For example, it turned out that the usual and quite widely used plasterboard partitions on many performance much inferior to aluminum. The design of this material are not afraid of leaks and humidity from which spoils drywall. Aluminum structures have excellent soundproofing properties, simply mount; premises in which used aluminum partitions, easy to redevelop. The use of aluminum structures for mounting ceiling creates light aircraft spaces filled with natural light. Replacing the usual aluminum roof designs special kind – rooflights, designers and architects are making tremendous effect of open space. At the same time aluminum structures that serve as roofs, excellent job and with their main responsibilities. They reliably protect the building from the weather and cold, with the apparent fragility of aluminum structures are very resistant to mechanical stress. Significantly, that virtually all aluminum construction is easy to clean. Aluminum does not corrode, it does not change shape with a difference of humidity and temperature. He did not Static electricity, hence, on aluminum structures dust does not stay. Damage to doors or walls of aluminum is rather difficult, even if specifically ask for that purpose. Aluminium construction does not burn, do not respond to the impact of even a very strong acids and alkalis, very confident resist shock and pressure. Another advantage of aluminum construction – they have good abilities to disguise. Sovremennyealyuminievye surface can be painted in various colors, simulating, for example, natural wood or stone. Paintwork aluminum construction makes it possible to implement bold design ideas, and you can be absolutely sure that the cover it will serve faithfully for many years. However, why only covering? Aluminum structures from a reliable manufacturer – Warranty impeccable quality and durability.
Jun 11
Kids Outdoor Games
Outdoor games for children of preschool age are an excellent way to develop motor skills. When the game is played in a group of children, they contribute to the overall development of the child developing his social, emotional and intellectual skills. Not to mention how much fun, joy and fun they bring to the child. The following are interesting outdoor activities and games for preschoolers. Ball game. That play this game, children must stand in a circle.
You are standing in the middle with the ball in his hand. Next, call your child's name and immediately throw the ball into the air. The child, whose name was called must catch the ball. After catching the ball, he takes your position calls the name of another child and throws the ball and so on. This game will definitely help children improve their response. Pasture. These outdoor games for preschoolers and kindergarten are designed to ensure that they learned something about insects.
In addition, it is one of the best outdoor games for large groups, as many children can play together. In this game you are acting as the leader and imitate insects found in the grass, such as ants, beetles, grasshoppers, bees, etc. children stand behind you and repeat what you are doing. When children move like a caterpillar, grasshopper, and buzzing like bees, they are very happy! Racing toffees. Other mobile games for children is 'Race toffees. " Divide the children into groups of five or seven each. Give each team a sheet. The rules of the game is that one of the players of each team must go on the sheet, but others have to drag him from the starting line up the finish line. The team that finishes the race first, is the winner. Catch-up in a circle. One of the most exciting outdoor games for young children is a game where they chase each other. You make a circle on the ground, from which the child can not go. If he does, he does not count, regardless of whether he was persecuted or not. Two children can play this fun game for a while. Indeed, this mobile game preschoolers that will promote physical and emotional sides of the child. Treasures of Nature. An interesting game is the treasure of nature, which can play both adults and children, especially when you are out of town for a picnic. To play this game moving for adults and children, divide the teams. Next, give each team a list of things, such as a red flower, two small fruit, feather birds, grasses, etc. team, which will bring each item in the minimum time is the winner. Freeze. If you think the idea of outdoor games for children, offer to play in freezing. Rules of the game consist in the fact that when the music plays, children must dance to it, and when it stops, they must remain in the same position, so far, no music will play again. Any child who is moving when the music is turned off, excluded from the game. The last remaining child is a winner. Here are a few outdoor games for preschoolers. If you play the games in the open air, you can get a lot of pleasure and fun, and these games can provide useful experience for children of preschool age.
Jun 05
The Goddess
Unlike his brother, he wanted a peaceful world where life developed. Siffrit is the father of all gods of Order and creator of the elves. He is represented as a man in his elven features and dressed in white robes. GAEHLIA: The Mother Earth, Gaia, Gaia Daron. Siffrit daughter and wife, was created during the struggle between God Supreme and the Great God of Chaos. She was who I Kaleddrug, the great continent, and there met Siffrit. Both determined to bring life to that new world, married and had a long descent, consisting of various gods and demigods and sent some divine (as in Greek mythology, it is common for the Gods with their children Bind or their siblings). Gaehlia is also the messenger of divine envoys.
She is depicted as a young woman with dark hair and pale complexion, wearing a Greek-style dress. AERIUL: The God of Light and the first son and Gaehlia Siffrit. It is also the God of the Sun and Moon, the God of the Stars and anything that makes the darkness disappear. Until his birth, everything was dark and the only thing that used to light was the result of the struggle between divine and dark dragons. Once these dragons locked in the plane draconian darkness again until she gave birth Gaehlia (never better) to their first child.
Aeriul is represented as a middle-aged man holding a hand a burning field (the Sun) and the other a glittering crystal ball (the Moon), his dark blue robe is sprinkled with white dots (stars). NIME: The Goddess of Life and the second daughter and Gaehlia Siffrit. Its role is to give life to everything that your children create. Should make all that deserved to live began its existence and given a second chance to those who also deserved (the siffririanos believe in reincarnation). Little more can be said of the Goddess, except that it is represented as a girl surrounded by animals and plants of all species. SuLATAR: The Goddess of Air and daughter of Aeriul and NIME. It is twin sister of Oris, God of the Sea Goddess Sulatar is a benevolent-looking and very quiet, but sometimes tends to get angry very easily and she and Oris can cause, together (tsunamis, typhoons) or separately (tornados) large disasters. Sulatar is also considered the Goddess of birds. It has no representation, since, according to siffririanos, if the wind be seen or touched, Sulatar, its creator, either.