Tag: home page


What time is it? Sure that well played anyone respond to that phrase interrogatoria either ask it to alguena. Give the reply to that question so common is not so easy. As regards this question almost 450 years ago went wrong which worried many people. Almost three years he travelled on a ship the first …

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Alberto Director

In 2005 E.M., a girl aged four who suffered an acute lymphoblastic leukemia and whose life expectancy was three months, received a transplant of stem cells from their own umbilical cord: an unpublished treatment in the world and that until then he had not succeeded, since the cells of the patient were not effective in …

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Vegetarian Diets

While the meats are an important contribution of proteins, they also contain fats by what many diets prefer to avoid them. So here are two vegetarian diets for weight loss. It is always advisable to perform 5 to 8 meals daily, small but often, to keep the stomach busy spending calories and avoid eating candy, …

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