September 2019 archive

Mariana Health

Today the Region lives of the tourism and the exploration of the iron ore, that is the biggest source of financial resources of the cities. But it is in the tourist aspect that, unquestionably, will be able to survive in the future. For all the region the problem more aggravation is the lack of the …

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Closing the Palace Gothic of the Real Alcazar of Seville convents sweets exhibition will stage, from 5 to December 7, the 26TH exhibition of sweets the convents of closing of Seville and its province, which organises the religious association of closing and the Vicarage of the consecrated life. Eighteen monasteries participating this year in the …

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Company Stock Exchange Liechtenstein

The companies stock 2012 looks back on a successful business year the company stock exchange can look back on a successful year of 2012. A total of five companies have changed hands, two further transactions are already pre-contractually provides fixed and thus are nearing completion. The succession is and remains an important part in the …

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