Operations such as gastric banding, born with the purpose of helping lose weight to people who have tried this in many ways without obtaining real results. The gastric band operation is to place a division of stomach into two parts. The first part is larger, and the lower part is that comes into contact with …
November 2013 archive
Nov 12
Attacking Cellulite
First let’s see what is the definition of cellulite _ the scientific definition of cellulite is the accumulation of adipose tissue in certain areas of the body, forming nodules of fat, water and toxins. It is an inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue that is usually mainly locate in hips, buttocks, thighs and abdomen. Although cellulite …
Nov 06
Mental Training
The site offers a mental training and emotional education to thrive in diets for weight loss. We learn that they are not diets that don’t work, but people with low energy level who are left drag and end up crushing it. We learn that it is not obesity which forces us to do things that …