Tag: art and science

Generating Body

In the decantation, nuance is launched stops beyond the project disciplined body to beyond provide to one/Inter/body that remakes the way in the crucible of the transposition. When an actor, makes and remakes the passage of a gesture, transforms a gesture into music and such music in power that mobilizes the corporal forces for a …

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Brazilian Population

The phenomenon of the feminizao of the oldness is seen as a doctor-social problem. On the other hand, the taxes of chronic illnesses are very bigger enter the aged men of what in the aged women, even so this fact must move in the future generations, a time that the women contemporaries are displayed the …

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Ahn Women One

It waits for the neighboring death that it patrol to each day, more it never gives up to see one day, its cantinho and its Brazil to turn the engaged land. Ahn Women One mineirinha of fiber, militant student and, fought against the dictatorship, imprisoned and was tortured, it had its rights hunted, and it …

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