For this procedure are perfect cotton swabs or cotton swabs soaked in special preventive veterinary lotion or clean water. Clean pet ears should be very cautious, treating only the visible part of the ear. Can not penetrate deeply into the ear stick, as you can damage the eardrum. Compared with other breeds of cats ears, …
May 2011 archive
May 18
Main Material
This natural material is capable of absorbing moisture in summer and release "it back into the room in winter, when under the influence of heating the air becomes too dry. Thus, constructed using clay houses serve even as a sort of "regulator" microclimate. Generally, the clay has recently again been widely used in the construction …
May 13
How Fast To Lose Weight In 10 Days
The first week diet menu diet begins with a weekend. Saturday morning: a cup of cocoa with skim milk and 1 teaspoon of honey. At noon you can eat something hearty – for example, a cooked chicken breast or steak vegetables. DAY: 1 yogurt or 1 any fruit. About 18 hours of the day: to …
May 11
That's what, about, going to the body, which deprived breakfast: the liver through the night quietly supply the body with food (glucose), which arrived yesterday. Its usually enough for 10 hours, after which it was 'disturbing' and waiting for agents. But if you have not had breakfast, the liver works emergency mode. And when, finally, …
May 07
Correct Posture
Keep your back straight – the most effective way to visually lose a few pounds and add a couple of centimeters. Seem a little slimmer and higher, and, therefore, be such – in the men's eyes. Slouch on the podium is no longer fashionable, sunken breasts are no longer pleasing to the eye. Set the …