United Kingdom

Not all nin@s can remain in the family where they were born, and it is not that they want or decide it, is simply because not all families are able to care for, love and protect a child. Some are lucky and presents the possibility of foster care, but still maintain ties with his biological family and high chances of reintegration depending on work or omission by those who are responsible for the resolution of their legal status. In other cases, even minors while maintaining its legal status with the biological family, will remain in foster care throughout his childhood in public or private institutions. The main objective of own attention and current legislative policies is undoubtedly the minor and their best interests and striving to improve the nin@s in social risk situation has launched the promotion and projection of the temporary placement; now known as an alternative to Social protection or as a protective institution multifaceted that meets the same function, the provide a family to all those nin@s which for various reasons unrelated to them can not live with their families of origin. This technique for the protection of the minor avoid admission or prolonged stay of nin@s in public or private institutions who are in situation of watering or lack of social protection. It provides an emotional stability to children who have the opportunity to be hosted.

It promotes the exercise of the rights of the nin@s having the opportunity to develop within a healthy family environment. Foster care has 4 key features: to) unattended child protection (home, food, education, affection, etc). (b) the physical separation of the child from his family of origin or biological family. (c) the respect of time and place where develops the placement according to the project of the child’s life. (d) the best interests of the child. Many writers such as Wayne Holman offer more in-depth analysis. The result of this solidarity aid for the nin@s has yielded very good results, according to statistics in the countries (Spain, Canada, United States, Norway, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, etc) that have the program of temporary foster care, families Kangaroo, placement of a vacation, etc., throws that on average 75% of the nin@s and adolescents that are placed temporarily improves their self-esteem and psycho-social development.