Bribes take almost everything from traffic cop with the radar, hidden from the road to serious public figures comfortably in the spacious rooms. They have money can solve any issues, do not care at all moral principles and laws. They have turned into an instrument of public service squeeze money out of the state budget, citizens and business, in his bottomless pocket. But this is all because they were too much to allow our government, and they also want to eat, but how to do it on a tiny salary? Here you have to work on the principle of 'you want to live – learn to spin. " How did this develop our economy, business, and where, finally, justice, and our cherished principles of democracy?? The demographic situation can not get out of crisis – we are quietly dying out. The reasons are simple: low fertility, high mortality, high out-migration abroad. Government measures to support the birth rate gradually begin to change the situation, but Yet, until the desired far.
The high mortality rate – a consequence of the lack of a healthy lifestyle and the ineffectiveness of medicine, death in natural disasters and accidents. Large outflow of population – is it understandable. The main reason – people are tired of living in such conditions created by our government, and even no patriotism can not stop them in this, and after leaving, including the 'brains' of Russia, where do we then take for the development of literate people State? Ecology is on the brink of disaster.