Are Accountants obsolete? The Public Accounts is celebrating its first 100 years as a profession in our country and this is so because the May 25, 1907 Don Manuel Diez Barroso was the first professional degree as Accountant of Commerce, which is considered as the official start of the Profession. The truth of the matter is that the accounting is in the World and in Mexico many centuries as injustice. In the first 100 years of our profession many things have happened, among them we could say that the most significant were the development of the first accounting principles in the sixties, the famous blue series that later became the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and is now called Financial Reporting Standards (NIF). Importantly, the momentum reached the audit activity is unique to our profession and this took place since the Ministry of Finance implemented the tax opinion in the late fifties, early sixties. Another moment crucial changes in the modern era, is the incorporation of new Financial Reporting Standards accounting practice since the NIF introduce us to the globalized world and that means we are arming Mexican Accountants Financial Information with the same basis as Accountants in Poland, Korea or elsewhere. Because of this, Mexican firms can bid without a problem in the international capital markets, eventually achieving finance new investment projects if this is your desire..
Jan 24