This monograph was elaborated from a carried through clinical experience in the Central Hospital of the Navy. In result of the atendimentos carried through to the patient with the fictitious name Rui the curiosity was appearing to articulate the practical one with the theory offered and given in the lessons of the course of specialization in Clinical Psychology in the Pontifical University Catholic of Rio De Janeiro. This clinical experience comes in such a way if developing in these last two years and way in a constant construction with diverse questionings and doubts presented for the patient how much for the analyst in the supervisions offered for the course. In the first chapter I present the discovery of Freud how much to the obsessive neurosis from the text Rough draft K of 1896. Before this the obsessive neurosis she was considered a manifestation of the craze and belonged to the picture of the psychoses.
However, in 1985, in the Rough draft H, Freud it called the attention for the fact that in psychiatry the delirious ideas (of the paranoia) placed it the side of the obsessive ideas as purely intellectual riots. In fact, in contrast of it would histeria, where the manifest symptom if in the body, in the obsessive neurosis we will see that the citizen suffers from the thoughts. At as a moment, I present the relation that the obsessive neurotic has in relation to its desire. However we know that in the obsessive neurosis the strategy is of annulling its desire, becoming it as something impossible. The obsessive one postpones its activities to run away from the desire.
Or if it precipitates, he is impulsive, it acts, it acts im-pensadamente for not making responsible for its acts. These aspects are important to understand the relation that the obsessive one establishes with the father. At the third moment, I argue the clinical case of the Man of the Rats analyzing the psychic maneuvers that tangle the citizen. From the fears, impulses, prohibitions, losses and inhibitions of its patient, Freud search the tram ghost-tica of the citizen. Privileging the psychic economy and the intervention of the analyst, I look indications that point with respect to the irruption of the joy in clinic. In the room and last moment of this monograph, I present the clinical case that I come following has two years and way. With aid of the theoretical lessons and orientation of the supervisor, I searched to sew some theoretical concepts with the practical clinic. With many doubts and questionings in elapsing of the presented clinical case it was if evidencing the clinical type of the obsessive neurosis.