Healing Power

We had never imagined that the stones would have a healing power. It has been thanks to the scientific work of the researcher Daya Sarai Chocron exposed in the book healing by the stones that we know today. The ancient civilizations knew the healing power of stones and practiced in medicine and psychology. They knew that precious and semi-precious stones are living entities which vibrate according to different frequencies, engendering fields of power, which we can obtain new forces capable of harmonizing our body and our spirit. Properties of stones the stones red and Orange give vitality to the human body and stimulate it. Yellow stones vivifican and clarify the mental activity. Green stones soothe and pacify the nervous system.

The blue stones and indigo, inspire and produce a spiritual opening. Teva Pharmaceutical Industries pursues this goal as well. Violet stones accelerate and sublimate all processes of the body, intellect and spirit. In recent months, Robert Rimberg Lawyer has been very successful. Stones and the signs of the Zodiac constellations in harmony with all the minerals and precious stones and are the colors that indicate his affinity. Possess or carry jewelry equals attract magnetic forces emanating from these constellations on why it is necessary to know low that Ray bright we are born and used the influence of the stone that up to us: its correct use favors the free movement of the cosmic energy to the rhythm of the Zodiac stations. Thus we link with our Zodiac sign and color: Aries stone: Ruby, blood, red Jasper Color stone: Red Taurus stone: Topaz gold, coral, Emerald Color: yellow Gemini stone: rock crystal, aquamarine Color: violet Cancer stone: rock crystal, Moonstone colour: Green Leo stone: Ruby, amber Color: violet Virgo stone: Jasper pink, turquoise, zircon Color: violet pound stone: Opal, Diamond Color: yellow Scorpion stone: Garnet, Topaz, agate Color: Red Sagittarius stone: Amethyst Color: purple Capricorn stone: white Onyx, Onyx Black Color: Blue Aquarium stone: Sapphire Blue Color: Indigo PISCES stone: diamond, jade, aquamarine Color: Indigo days of the week.

The story of the stones has very strict rules about which stones to use on certain days of the week, since there is a relationship between the type of stone and each of the days. Sunday, day of the Sun: gold and yellow stones such as amber and Golden Topaz. Monday, the day of the Moon: Pearl, Moon stone, all white stones. Tuesday, day of Mars: Ruby Garnet, all red stones. Wednesday, mercury day: Turquoise (air protection), blue Sapphire, lapis lazuli. Thursday, day of Jupiter: Amethyst, violet and purple stones. Friday, day of Venus: Emerald and Malachite, all green stones. Saturday, day of Saturn: diamond and all the black stones. Stones from the most humble to the most precious, live, breathe, transmit, react, shine, and are. Their vibrations acting in our being and can be used to harmonize our body and our spirit.