Hazards During Arc

Welding operations are accompanied by air pollution of the working area of welding fumes, which consists of oxides of various metals and gases, harmful effects on the human body. Manganese oxides formed by electric arc welding and surfacing of steels containing manganese, or in carrying out these works margantsesoderzhaschimi materials. Once in the human body through inhalation or digestion, manganese oxides cause chronic, but at high concentrations – and acute poisoning affecting the central nervous system, causing changes in the lungs and liver. Typical signs of poisoning include headache, dizziness, heartburn, pain in the extremities. Chromium oxides are formed during arc welding and surfacing austenitic steel welding electrodes. At low concentrations of chromium oxides irritate the mucous membranes of the nose, causing a runny nose, slight bleeding is observed with increasing concentration of necrosis of individual sections of the nasal mucosa, the expression of her and even perforation of the cartilaginous nasal septum.

Poisoning is usually characterized by headaches pain, general weakness, a tendency to inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, toxic jaundice. Silica is in significant amounts in a spray arc, due to the presence of silicon and its compounds in the electrode surfaces, as used flux, etc. Silicon dioxide is harmful to the respiratory system, causing a specific disease – silicosis. The most characteristic symptoms of silicosis – Shortness of breath, chest pain, dry cough. Fluoride in welding fumes produced by arc welding and surfacing of steel electrodes containing fluorine compounds in the coating, as well as in welding under fluorine-containing fluxes. Once in the respiratory system, hydrogen fluoride irritates the upper parts of the respiratory tract, causing sneezing, nasal bleeding, loss of smell, etc. The toxicity of ozone significantly increased in the presence of nitrogen oxides in the air: from the combined effect on the body is many times stronger than apart. Acetylene in the allowable concentrations for human health is safe.