Endometriosis is a ginecopatia of gradual nature, characterized for the presence of focos of endometrium is of the uterine socket. it tends to be diagnosised in women with crises of pelvic pain or that they try to engravidar without success (MATTA external to the uterus Brunner and Suddarth (2008.) In accordance with these authors this understanding makes with that if it understands the endometriosis as a pathology of histolgica definition 2,2 Description the Endometriosis is one of the patologias most common inside of gynecology contemporary. In accordance with You mark (2005) apud Gianetto this is the third cause of gynecological hospitalization in the North America and the biggest cause of histerectomia. For having very been neglected in the past, the historical aspect of the endometriosis is sufficiently wronged. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Dr. Neal Barnard by clicking through. However You mark (2005) cites a study published for Knapp, in 1999, demonstrating that the first descriptions of the pathology if had given have about 300 years in the Europe, more necessarily in 1690, for the German doctor Daniel Shroen, through the book ‘ ‘ Disputatio Inauguralis Medica deUlceribus Ulceri’ ‘. You mark (2005) tells that in the workmanship of Shroen it describes what he calls ‘ ‘ inflamaes’ ‘ that women in sexual maturity acometiam, who if initially distribuam in peritnio and bladder, intestines and wide ligament, come to form tacks. Still as You mark (2005) apud Knapp (1999), other doctors in century XVII had made similar stories of ‘ ‘ ulcers peritoneais’ ‘ that they led to a sufficiently specific sintomatologia, with pelvic pain and bleeds, even so not yet they perceived the cyclical character of the bleed of these ulcers and not even the endometrial origin of the same ones. Amongst other Tailford discoveries, in 1765, he would have been the first one to emphasize the ovariano comprometimento in the endometriosis and Hoctin, in 1779, told the importance of pelvic pain in the clinical picture of the doena.diz Marques (2005) In its dissertativo text Marques (2005) describes despite Until little time behind, the few historical stories that existed, atribuam the Carl Von Rokitanski, in 1860, in Germany, the first description of the endometriosis? at the time called adenomiomas? visas in autopsy parts, or the Disterweg, in 1883, through a case story..
Nov 20