Disabilities Know Which Are Your Rights

Buenos Aires. Argentina. The rights of persons with disabilities in the Republic Argentina organization Social A.U.N.ODI.R.A. / last updated. January 2006 in the Argentina Republic is State policy, the system of comprehensive protection for persons with disabilities. National Constitution Art. 75 th inc.

23. The national executive branch proposes to the Government of the city of Buenos Aires, provincial governments and municipalities, the sanction in their jurisdictions of regulatory regimes that establish principles analogous to the laws 22.431, 24.314, 24.901, 25.635, 25.689, among others. In Act of adherence to these laws, in each province should establish bodies that are responsible, at the Provincial level for the actions and activities envisaged in the relevant articles. They must also establish the scope of the regulations contained in the laws articulated in relation to provincial companies and public agencies, as well as to property of the domain public or private of the Provincial State and its municipalities, mentioned. DISSEMINATE TUS rights is awareness, right to travel free of charge in all public transportation lines and the various types of public transport, trains, subways and long distance, or to request a free pass, according to the Comptroller of the relevant authority, national to travel on lines 1 to 199, Provincial from 200 to 599 and the municipal in all 600 lines. The disability certificate is valid and sufficient for accessing the gratuity law, this franchise is extensive for a companion of the incapacitated person where so express it and determine the certificate of disability, and that this is not conducted independently. In the province of Buenos Aires is implicitly attached to the Decree and also determines that the certificate of disability established by the Provincial 10592 law will be valid and sufficient to deal with the credential enabling issued by the Provincial Directorate of transport that allows access to the established benefit of gratuity in the Article 22 of the Act and will be valid for travel in all lines of public service of motor carrier of passengers subjected to the jurisdictional Comptroller of the province of Buenos Aires, similarly municipalities should adhere or be completed with the Provincial provision.