Today made public the resolution, by which publishes the call for the granting of aid to associations, foundations, organizations and institutions, non-profit, whose object is the attention to traffic accident victims and their families. To view all resolution, can visit the website indicated below in the section – State – first. Object and purpose. Through this resolution is summoned, in competitive concurrence scheme, the granting of aid, corresponding to the year 2011, associations, foundations, entities and institutions non-profit aimed attention to traffic accident victims and their families. The purpose of the aid is to support entities that operate in this area from an institutional or organizational perspective to promote or enhance its activities considered to be of general interest. Second.
Activities subject to subsidies. 1. The aid shall address compliance and promotion by the entities listed in paragraph (Fourth, any of the following activities: to) support the foundational and associative movement, partially financing the General operating expenses and management generated as a consequence of activities devoted to the social care of victims and their families, and the technical support for the development of its objectives. (b) projects aimed at the psychological, legal, material and social care of victims and their families. (c) actions aimed at the society of information, sensitization of public opinion and driver education and on incidence of accidents of traffics in the collective of victims and their families. 2. Subsidized activities must be carried out in the period between January 1 and November 30 of the year 2011. Third party.
Financing. The total of the amount envisaged for aid of this resolution may not exceed the limit of 450,000 euros, financed from the budgetary concept 16.101. 132B. 488, the budget of expenditure of the Central Headquarters of traffic. Room. Beneficiaries and requirements. 1 They may be beneficiaries of subsidies which are regulated in the present call, associations, foundations, entities and institutions non-profit whose object is the representation and defense of the interests of victims of accidents, traffic and their families, and develop welfare programs aimed to alleviate personal situations, the victims and their families and education programs and social awareness that have as objective the decrease in the number of traffic accidents.